Metamoris 7 RSS

Reveja o leglock de Garry Tonon em Ralek no Metamoris 7

Evento de lutas casadas que divide opiniões no mundo do Jiu-Jitsu, o Metamoris realizou sua sétima edição no último d...

Garry Tonon Taps Ralek Gracie With A Kneebar In Metamoris 7

Garry Tonon promised he’d get “G in a Gi” tattooed on his left butt cheek if Ralek Gracie tapped him at Metamoris 7. ...

Marcus Buchecha e Roger Gracie não farão novo duelo no Metamoris 7

Um dos duelos mais aguardados pelos amantes da arte suave não irá acontecer. A revanche entre os tricampeões mundiais...

Gossip About Metamoris 7 Behind Closed Doors

The post Gossip About Metamoris 7 Behind Closed Doors appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

Metamoris 7 Is Make Or Break

It was recently announced that Metamoris was returning after not putting on a show since August of 2015. Recently, Me...

Ralek Gracie Talks About Paying Debts, Metamoris And Exclusive Contracts

Ralek Gracie and Metamoris have been under fire for some months now. For people who are not familiar with the details...

Metamoris 7: Roger Gracie Vs Buchecha 2 Trailer

The post Metamoris 7: Roger Gracie Vs Buchecha 2 Trailer appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

Recordistas no Jiu-Jitsu, Roger Gracie e Buchecha fazem revanche no Metamoris

O fã de Jiu-Jitsu pode comemorar, e muito. Uma grande batalha foi agendada para encabeçar o card do Metamoris 7. Em r...
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