Luigi Mondelli RSS

5 Basic Concepts to Enrich Your Jiu-Jitsu!

In Jiu-Jitsu, learning is an ongoing process. You learn a move, then you fine-tune it, and finally you mold it into a...

5 conceitos básicos para enriquecer seu Jiu-Jitsu!

No Jiu-Jitsu, o aprendizado é um processo contínuo. Você aprende o movimento, depois o ajuste e aí sim a finalização....

Review the rear-naked choke, a Jiu-Jitsu move showcased at UFC on FX yesterday

Yesterday’s UFC on FX show in Nashville, Tennessee, was a Jiu-Jitsu-practitioners’ feast. The end grappling tally was...

Repasse o mata-leão, golpe de Jiu-Jitsu consagrado no UFC on FX ontem

O UFC on FX de ontem, em Nashville, Tennessee, foi um banquete para o praticante de Jiu-Jitsu. Foram quatro mata-leõe...

Parrumpinha seminar at ATT Connecticut

GMA member Luigi Mondelli will welcome a Marcos Parrumpinha’s seminar next December 17th, in Danbury. Parrumpinha is ...

Best Way BJJ’s new HQ in Connecticut

GMA school Best Way BJJ will be moving to a new headquarters in Connecticut. Black belt Luigi Mondelli announces that...

Best Way to California

GMA member school Best Way Jiu-Jitsu, one of the largest network of schools on the East Coast, has just touched down ...

Best Way launches BJJ Institute

Our GMA member school Best Way BJJ has a new outlet to spread the knowledge of Jiu-Jitsu. They have launched the BJJ ...

Go train with Katel Kubis

On January 16th 2010, Katel Kubis, American Top Team’s Muay Thai and stand-up coach will be conducting a striking sem...
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