Xande Ribeiro RSS

Brasileiros passam por “peneira” no Abu Dhabi World Pro; Confira os classificados

Mais uma novidade chegou para sacudir a comunidade mundial do Jiu-Jitsu. Para a edição 2017 do Abu Dhabi World Pro, q...

Old School BJJ More Exciting?

Is old school BJJ more exciting than the modern day IBJJF version? I say an emphatic “yes!” I was watching a few vide...

Jiu-Jitsu: Veja os melhores lances do Abu Dhabi Grand Slam de Londres

Última parada do Grand Slam na temporada 2016/2017, o evento organizado pela UAEJJF em Londres foi um verdadeiro suce...

Abu Dhabi Grand Slam de Londres: “Ciência” bate Arges e avança no ranking

A temporada de 2016/2017 do Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Jiu-Jitsu World Tour chegou ao fim com outro evento memorável, desta...

Abu Dhabi Grand Slam: Junior beats Arges to jump ahead in the ranking; others results

The 2016/2017 season of the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Jiu-Jitsu World Tour came to an end with another event for the books...

Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Jiu-Jitsu World Tour London: Junior beats Arges to jump ahead in the ranking; Xande, Luiza, Nathiely, Hiago, others crowned; more results

The 2016/2017 season of the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Jiu-Jitsu World Tour came to an end with another event for the books...

Grand Slam London: Junior beats Arges, Xande, Carol, Nathi, Luiza, Others Crowned; More Results

The 2016/2017 season of the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Jiu-Jitsu World Tour came to an end with another event for the books...

Xande Ribeiro talks retirement, explains the concept of pressure in BJJ

Two-time absolute world champion Alexandre Ribeiro (2006/08) is still competing at the highest level. But the 36-year...

Xande Ribeiro promete se aposentar do Jiu-Jitsu se, e somente se…

Ao fim de uma útil e esclarecedora entrevista nas páginas de GRACIEMAG, em nossa edição #236, o bicampeão mundial abs...

See how brown-belt Gustavo “Braguinha” swept and beat Xande Ribeiro

A brown-belt of NS Brotherhood, Gustavo “Braguinha” Batista again pulled a surprise out of the bag. This time it happ...

Veja como o faixa-marrom Gustavo Braguinha raspou e venceu Xande Ribeiro

Faixa-marrom da NS Brotherhood, Gustavo “Braguinha” Batista aprontou mais uma, desta vez no Argentina National Pro de...

See how Nicholas Meregali beat Xande Ribeiro at the Brazil National Pro

In the most highly anticipated fight of the Brazil National Pro, held last weekend in Manaus, Nicholas Meregali and X...
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