Tito Ortiz RSS

Demente bolstered by Tito Ortiz’s support for MMA debut

A well-known entity in competition Jiu-Jitsu, Ricardo Abreu, better known as Demente (meaning “demented” in Portugues...

Demente aposta no apoio de Tito Ortiz antes de estreia no MMA

Fera conhecida nas competições de Jiu-Jitsu, Ricardo Abreu, conhecido como Demente, enfim, vai estrear no MMA. O prim...

UFC 129: Gary Goodridge and Tito Ortiz agree on best fight to come

Anyone to approach Gary Goodridge, 45, is promptly greeted with his two greatest trumps: his smile and his right fist...

Check out Chuck the executive’s daily routine

The video shows a bit of the Iceman's routine, as he helps put together cards, answers calls from “friends” like Tito...

Minotouro and Mr. Wonderful’s pre-fight words

Rogério Minotouro and Phil Davis will face off this Saturday in Seattle, where UFC 24 will take place. Coming off a w...

Minotouro analyzes what he got wrong and right and gets ready for Tito

Rogério Minotouro is getting ready to face Tito Ortiz in a bout that may decide the fighters’ futures in the Ultimate...

Tito signs bout contract and taunts Minotouro

Both are coming off losses and need a win to again figure at the top of the UFC light heavyweight division. Tito Orti...

Could Minotouro return to better days against Tito Ortiz?

Look back on some of the great moments from the Jiu-Jitsu black belt's career and offer your prediction below, if you...

Photos from Valasquez-vs.-Lesnar

Cain Velasquez was the big name at UFC 121 this Saturday in California. The American of Mexican descent went all out ...

UFC 121: Cain Velasquez, the new champion

This Saturday’s UFC 121 show in Anaheim, California, crowned a new champion. Cain Velasquez ran rampant over Brock Le...

See how the UFC 121 weigh-ins went

Beasts from Brock Lesnar to Gabriel Gonzaga stared each other down before hundreds of people packed in the the venue ...

Demente comments on training with Tito Ortiz

Tito Ortiz is set to face Matt Hammill at UFC 121 this coming October 23 in California. While Hammill has won his las...
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