Police Officers RSS

This ‘Copjitsu’ Club Helps Introduce Police Officers To Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

As we’ve argued on numerous occasions, few people can benefit more from Brazilian jiu-jitsu than police officers. In ...

It Wouldn’t Take 3 Police Officer To Restrain This Man If They Know Jiu-Jitsu

This is why police officers need to learn Brazilian jiu-jitsu. BJJ allows its practitioners to control people without...

Police Officers Trying To Subdue Suspect Would You Watch OR Would You HELP?

The post Police Officers Trying To Subdue Suspect Would You Watch OR Would You HELP? appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

Officer Armbar Takedown A Woman

In a recent police scandal, Megan Sheehan is going to be suing Bay Area Rapid Transit Police after she had an alterca...

Police Officer Force Training In Mixed Martial Arts

Hamburg police force training in mixed martial arts consists of several disciplines, and the department requires offi...
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