Ottavia Bourdain RSS

Eddie Cummings And Ottavia Bourdain Have Officially Joined Team Unity

Eddie Cummings has revealed that he and Ottavia Bourdain have switched over to Unity via a post on his Instagram page...

10 Great Pieces Of Advice From 10 Great Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belts To Instruct And Inspire You

It can take more than 10 years to earn the coveted BJJ black belt, and it is rare to meet a black belt without keen i...

From Straight Ankle Locks To Stardom: A Brief History Of The Danaher Death Squad

If you pay attention to competitive jiu-jitsu (or, frankly, even if you don’t), you’ve heard of the infamous “Danaher...

Anthony Bourdain Hanging With The Diaz Brothers And Gilbert Melendez

Renowned chef, author, and globetrotter Anthony Bourdain recently posted a picture of himself eating with three membe...

Ottavia Bourdain: ‘The advice I have for women new to jiu-jitsu is, take it seriously if you want to be taken seriously’

Ottavia Bourdain is a serious student of Brazilian jiu-jitsu and a purple belt training with some of the top instruct...

Let’s Talk Food.

Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing some of the top-level competitors to every day training partners about f...

A Fighter in the Family Ottavia Bourdain By: FightLand

Fightland documentary of Ottavia Bourdain training Jiu-Jitsu The post A Fighter in the Family Ottavia Bourdain By: Fi...

Chef Anthony Bourdain earns his first stripe at GMA Renzo Gracie Academy

Celebrities training Jiu-Jitsu is always cool to see but learning about their promotions is even more cool. Chef Anth...

Anthony Bourdain tries Jiu-Jitsu, as documented by his blue belt wife

Imagine traveling to a foreign country where the language is so far removed from yours that you can’t even pronounce ...
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