No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu RSS

Jeff Glover vs Baret Yoshida

For no-gi Jiu-Jitsu fans, the match between Jeff Glover (Paragon) and Baret Yoshida (Undisputed) in 2009.

Josh Barnett vs Bruno Paulista

The ultra heavyweight final at the No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu World Championship 2009 in Long Beach, California.

Fredson Paixão taps out Caol Uno

Some grappling aces saw action in No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu matches at the UFC Fan Expo this weekend in Las Vegas. Among the st...

June Long Island Pride features Hermes França in no-gi JJ

Another edition of the Long Island Pride BJJ championship is right around the corner. GMAs Eloy Santos and Milton Alm...

Drysdale seminars in New Jersey

Robert Drysdale travels to New Jersey at the end of this month to teach a series of gi and no-gi seminars. 2005’s bla...

Five years since an ADCC classic

Marcelo Garcia and Diego Sanchez go at it in the ADCC.
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