Masahiko Kimura RSS

Relembre Helio Gracie x Kato no Jiu-Jitsu, há 70 anos

Em 1950, o valente peso-pena Helio Gracie desafiou publicamente o faixa-preta e campeão absoluto japonês Masahiko Kim...

The Road from Judo to BJJ, with Robert Drysdale

Multiple time world champion Robert Drysdale came onto The Strenuous Life Podcast to share the discoveries he’s made ...

World Champ Robert Drysdale on the Early History of Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil

Robert Drysdale is one of the most highly decorated American grapplers in history.  He remains the only person not bo...

A maior luta dos 70 anos de história do Maracanã

Na celebração dos 70 anos de inauguração do estádio mais emblemático dos esportes mundiais, nossa equipe relembra um ...

Flashback: Kazushi Sakuraba Repeats History Against Renzo Gracie

Kazushi Sakuraba and Renzo Gracie faced off all the way back in 2000 at Pride 10: Return Of The Warriors and the pair...

Helio Gracie Vs Masahiko Kimura (Video)

It just doesn’t get much more old school than this. In fact, it doesn’t get more old school than this at all! Here ar...

The Man Named Kimura

Time for a little grappling history. Do you know who Masahiko Kimura was? He is the Japanese judoka whom the double w...

Masahiko Kimura demonstrating judo techniques

Masahiko Kimura is widely considered by many to be the single greatest judoka of all time and that is a hard thing to...

Ezequiel, Kimura, De La Riva… Estude os golpes de Jiu-Jitsu com nomes de gente

[ Por: Willian von Söhsten * ] Costumo brincar com meus alunos que há tantos golpes no Jiu-Jitsu que eu poderia escre...

Watch: Helio Gracie fought Masahiko Kimura in Rio de Janeiro 64 years ago on Oct. 23

  On October 23, 1951, Helio Gracie fought Masahiko Kimura at the Maracanã Stadium, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Helio ...

No 20º aniversário da morte de Kimura, relembre sua luta com Helio Gracie

Masahiko Kimura faleceu no dia 18 de abril de 1993. No 20º aniversário de sua morte, celebramos a importância deste j...

Remember the match against Helio on the 20th anniversary of Kimura’s passing

Masahiko Kimura passed away on April 18, 1993. In the 20th anniversary of his death, we celebrate the importance of t...
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