Julio Cesar RSS

Carioca and Milton reign at Bitetti Combat

Saturday night at Bitetti Combat 9 was all about Bruno Carioca and Milton Vieira, the two big winners at the event. B...

Carioca e Miltinho reinam no Bitetti Combat

A noite no Bitetti Combat 9, no Rio de Janeiro,  foi de Bruno Carioca e Milton Vieira, os grandes campeões. Bruno Car...

Lutadores no peso para o Bitetti Combat

Aconteceu nesta sexta-feira, no salão nobre do Botafogo, a pesagem para o Bitetti Combat 9. O evento, que traz um GP ...

He got his belt at the airport. What about you?

After tapping out stalwart competitors the likes of Bráulio Estima at the 2009 World Pro to be crowned champion while...

Ele foi graduado no aeroporto. E você?

Em 2009, após vencer feras como Bráulio Estima no World Pro e se sagrar campeão, ainda na faixa-marrom, Rodolfo Vieir...

Ingressos do Bitetti Combat em diversos pontos

O Bitetti Combat Cup (BC 9) traz o GP 84kg com feras como Bruno Carioca e Julio Cesar, além da superluta entre Miltin...

Bitetti Combat 9 coming up with Grand Prix

Amaury Bitetti is still working as a coach with a new team in the Brazilian city of Santos alongside Marcelo Nigue. H...

Know who Barral’s betting on for Pan absolute?

One of Gracie Barra’s greatest representatives at present and the owner of a slick guard, Rômulo Barral won’t make it...

Rodolfo wins absolute on way to Abu Dhabi

Rodolfo Vieira was the big standout at the World Pro Rio de Janeiro tryouts this Saturday (check out the results here...

Rodolfo’s life on the tracks

Between Campo Grande and Méier train stations in Rio de Janeiro, a young talent would already be warming up for train...

Black belt wins another in Singapore

GFTeam Jiu-Jitsu black belt and representative of Gordo-Evove in MMA Arthur Gogó made it to his fourth-straight win, ...
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