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Up-and-Coming Brazilian MMA Fighter Teaches Triple Attack Useful in Jiu-Jitsu

Quixada, Ceara State, is known for being a land of fearless men like Rony “Jason,” the winner of the inaugural season...

Promessa do MMA brasileiro mostra ataque triplo útil para o Jiu-Jitsu

Quixadá, no Ceará, é terra de homens destemidos, como é o caso de Rony Jason, o primeiro campeão do “TUF Brasil”, o r...

Você sabe variar com eficácia seu triângulo de mão?

O Shooto Brasil mais uma vez aporta na Capital Federal, nesta sexta-feira. No ginásio Nilson Nelson, 11 combates prom...

Attack the heel with one of the stars from Gleison Tibau’s event

Arena Fight, an event promoted by UFC star Gleison Tibau, will be at Fortaleza, Brazil’s Paulo Sarasate Gymnasium thi...

Ataque o calcanhar com um dos astros do torneio de Gleison Tibau

O Arena Fight chega a Fortaleza, no próximo dia 16 de agosto, no ginásio Paulo Sarasate. O evento idealizado pelo lut...

Frenetic, Ronys wins second in less than a week

There’s no dilly-dallying from Ronys Torres, who was promised a UFC return if he reaches a certain number of back-to-...

Ximu all set for Brazil-vs.-Argentina-classic matchup

Coming off a win in the United States, Gustavo Ximu prepares to face off against Argentina’s Mathias Lemon at the sec...

All the action from Mega Kombat

The Mega Kombat promotion held its maiden event in the town of Governador Valadares, in the Brazilian state of Minas ...
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