Half Guard RSS

Esgrima Pass: The Mother Of All Half Guard Passes

If you have been doing BJJ for any length of time you have asked yourself this question! Rickson Gracie once said, “t...

Smash Anyone’s Half Guard With This Secret Grip (No, Really – It’s Super Effective)

Many BJJ practitioners have made a career from forcing an under hook half guard and sweeping or taking the back. This...

Jordan Preisinger Reveals Cool “John Wayne Sweep” Details

Many BJJ practitioners have made a career from forcing an under hook half guard and sweeping or taking the back. This...

Coyote Half Guard – Do You Use It? You Will, After Learning This Detail…

Many BJJ practitioners have made a career from forcing an under hook half guard and sweeping or taking the back. This...

The “Old School Sweep” From Half Guard Is The First One You Should Learn

Taking down a good wrestler is one thing, but how about once you are on the ground with them? One word for you: Old S...

Stuck In Deep Half? Go For The Superman Armbar

The Deep Half Guard! It’s a very powerful position that will control guard passers immediately. The general principle...

Rolling Kimura Guard Pass

The rolling Kimura is a surprising way to pass guard. This technique is increasingly being used at the higher levels ...

How To Pass Half Guard? Here’s A Super-Efficient Technique

Many BJJ practitioners have made a career from forcing an under hook half guard and sweeping or taking the back. This...

Ruotolo Brothers Reveal A “Surprise Attack” From Bottom Half Guard

Many BJJ practitioners have made a career from forcing an under hook half guard and sweeping or taking the back. This...

Here’s How To Counter The Underhook From Half Guard

One of the worst things you could let someone do to you in BJJ is to let them get an underhook… Especially a deep und...

Having Trouble Passing Half Guard? Start Using Submission Threats

Uhhh, soooo… You’ve been training BJJ for a bit, and there is (still) this one thought that keeps troubling you: posi...

These Half Guard Sweep & Reversal Concepts Work Surprisingly Easy

Many BJJ practitioners have made a career from forcing an under hook half guard and sweeping or taking the back. This...
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