deadline RSS

Berlin Open, Montreal Open: registration closes this Friday; sign up now

You have until this Friday, Nov.6, to register for two IBJJF events that take place Nov. 14. In Germany, the Berlin I...

Kids International, Irvine Open: make a Jiu-Jitsu family day out of Dec. 13

Kids and adults can make a day out of Dec. 13 if they are into Jiu-Jitsu. The IBJJF has scheduled the 2015 Kids Inter...

US National Pro Texas: registration deadline nears; register for a chance at the 2016 WPJJC

You have until this Friday to register for the US National Pro Texas, scheduled this Nov. 8, in Houston, Texas. The f...

Montreal Open or Berlin Open, choose the one nearest to you and register today

The IBJJF will have two events on Nov. 14. In Europe, the Berlin Open will feature gi and no-gi divisions in the firs...

US National Pro Texas: last week to register to compete for a travel package for the 2016 WPJJC

You have one more week to register for the US National Pro Texas, scheduled Nov. 8, in Houston. This will be your fir...

Worlds No-Gi: last day to register and have a chance to be a world champion in 2015

This is your last chance to become a Jiu-Jitsu world champion this year. The registration deadline for the 2015 World...

Toronto Open: register now and show your talents in Canada

The IBJJF is inviting you to take part in one of its most charming events. The 2015 Toronto International Open is sch...

Dallas Open: register to compete in the gi, no-gi or both on September 19-20

The IBJJF lands in Texas one more time on September 19-20. The 2015 Dallas International Open will be held at the Kit...

Chicago Open near full capacity. Register now to be part of the show

If you live in Chicago or nearby and love to compete in Jiu-Jitsu, know that you don’t have that much time to registe...

You can now register for the 2014 World Championship on May 28-June 1 for early discount

The 2014 World Championship is upon us. To make it official, the IBJJF has opened registration for the annual event s...

Last hours to register for the IBJJF Rome Open and European No-Gi Open April 4-5!

The IBJJF will be in Rome, Italy for the Rome Open and the European No-Gi Championship on April 4 and 5. The capacity...

Last year for IBJJF American Nationals in SoCal, register until Friday, Aug. 30

  The IBJJF has plans to move the American National Championship to a new city outside of Southern California. This w...
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