BJJ Mindset RSS

Danielle Kelly: “I’m Just Socially Awkward”

Danielle Kelly is quickly becoming one of the most recognizable faces in the BJJ world… And that newly-found populari...

Mental Tip: A BJJ Competition Is Just Like Going Training At Another Academy

„Well, I just hope that I don’t fall asleep from waiting, rather than from being choked out“, says one jiujiteiro to ...

Felipe Pena: “Being An Athlete, Especially In Brazil, Is Very Hard”

Almost every successful person has a come-up story that was full of obstacles and doubters… And it’s no different for...

John Danaher: “Self-Confidence Doesn’t Come From Words…”

How do you develop self-confidence when, for example, preparing for a BJJ competition? Is there any sort of a “mental...

Mikey Musumeci’s On Dealing With Fear: “It’s A Blessing”

If you’ve ever competed in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (or in anything else, for that matter), then you know how the nerves c...

Khabib Nurmagomedov: “Nobody Cares If You’re Tired”

If you want to reach your potential – both in life and BJJ alike – then you’ve got to push yourself to the limits. An...

Khabib Reveals Harsh Training Conditions: “No Wi-Fi And No Showers”

There’s no success without sacrifice. And Khabib Nurmagomedov understands that all too well – because he has had to g...

Why Is John Danaher Fascinated With Knives?

It’s common knowledge that Professor John Danaher, when promoting a student to the new belt rank, also gifts him/her ...

Mikey Musumeci Explains His Mindset: “I’m Attacking Every Second”

Image Credits: ONE Championship Your mindset is probably the most important thing for success, both in life and on th...

John Danaher Speaks About Giancarlo Bodoni: “Never Let People Underestimate What You Can Become”

Not matter how dissatisfied with your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu journey you may be so far, there’s always going to be room ...

Tom Hardy: “Training BJJ Has Been Key To A Deeper Sense Of Calm For Me”

Training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu isn’t just about your physical health. Rather (and, perhaps, even more so), it’s about y...

Joe Rogan: “Gordon Ryan’s Opponents Realize He’s That Good, So They’re Scared”

Joe Rogan is a big supporter of Gordon Ryan, and not just in terms of having been one of his sponsors for the 2022 AD...
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