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Learn, get inspired and laugh with Renzo Gracie on his 49th birthday

Renzo Gracie is the perfect definition of a living legend. Jiu-Jitsu black belt, fighter, academy owner, father, husb...

Celebrate Bernardo Faria’s birthday and take a lesson on two of his favorite techniques

Bernardo Faria had the best year of his career in 2015. He won double gold both at the Pan and the Worlds, finally jo...

Celebrate Fabio Gurgel’s birthday learning one of his world-class techniques

  Alliance’s General, Fabio Gurgel, is celebrating another birthday this Monday, Feb. 18. He is the man responsible f...

On Carlos Gracie Jr’s birthday, celebrate his mission of changing people’s lives with BJJ

Master Carlos Gracie Jr was awarded his red and white belt on April 25, 2015. It means he is now an 8th degree black ...

As Royce Gracie prepares to fight again, celebrate his birthday watching his greatest moments

Royce Gracie is getting ready to fight once again. On February 19, he will be fighting Ken Shamrock for the third tim...

Dominyka turns 20 and we celebrate her talent watching the 2015 Worlds open class final   Dominyka Obelenyte is celebrating her 20th birthday this Thursday, July...

Celebrate Rafael Lovato Jr’s birthday and watch him rolling with Marcelo Garcia

Rafael Lovato Jr. celebrates another birthday this Thursday, June 25. The 2007 ultraheavy black belt world champion (...

Get thrilled by five great Renzo Gracie moments and learn five lessons from him on his birthday

Renzo Gracie celebrates his 48th birthday this March 11. One of the most charismatic personalities of all times in Ji...

Celebrate Bernardo Faria’s birthday the right way by watching this interview

Bernardo Faria turns 28 today! The two-time black belt world champion who currently trains and teaches at Marcelo Gar...

On Cobrinha’s birthday, watch him win the Worlds, ADCC, teach how to take the back

Rubens Charles Maciel is celebrating his 35th birthday this Wednesday, December 24. The four-time featherweight world...

On Samir Chantre’s birthday, learn his de la riva sweep

Today is Samir Chantre’s birthday. The Norcal resident trains under Caio Terra and spends his time both teaching and ...

Celebrate Michael Liera Jr’s birthday watching him become world champion

Michael Liera Jr. is one of the most talented competitors of the new generation of Jiu-Jitsu athletes in the USA. Tra...
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