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How Can You Know For Sure If You Deserve Your BJJ Belt Promotion?

You’ve had your belt promotion recently – congratulations! But, don’t tell us… Doubts are creeping in, aren’t they? Y...

Fabio Gurgel: “Promoting A Student To Blue Belt Is One Of The Coolest Feelings A Coach Can Experience”

Receiving your blue belt is one of the most important steps on your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu journey. For, it shows that y...

7 Tips For Getting Your BJJ Purple Belt Promotion

Going from blue to the purple belt is not an easy task. Sure, you could’ve received your blue belt just on the basis ...

The Real Reason Why Belt Rank Doesn’t Matter In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Yeah, you’ve probably heard others say it time and time again… That belt rank doesn’t matter in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. ...

Why Do Some Become BJJ Black Belts In 10-15 Years… And Some In Just 4-5?

Most Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu students who become black belts will achieve that in 10-15 years of training… But there are ...

BJJ Instructors: Holding Back & Pushing Belt Promotions Is Detrimental For Your Students

Image Credits: Evolve MMA BJJ instructors, generally, want the best for their students. They want to make them feel w...

Why Are You A BJJ Blue Belt For Such A Long Time?

It might’ve been a while since you were promoted to a BJJ blue belt… And it’s, kind of, getting on your nerves. More ...

4 Tips For The New BJJ Purple Belt: This Is How To Keep Improving

So you’re a freshly-minted BJJ purple belt, congratulations! It’s a fantastic achievement and you’re now one of the m...

The Simple Problem With Belt Tests in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Belt tests aren’t an often occurrence in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but they aren’t a rare one either. And they can be a go...

So You’re A Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Purple Belt… Now What?

You’ve just been promoted to the rank of a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu purple belt, haven’t you? Congratulations! That’s a bi...

Rodolfo Vieira: “I’m Feeling Like A Blue Belt In MMA”

Rodolfo Vieira is a legendary Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athlete and competitor. However, he is still (relatively) new to th...

The True Advantage Of Rolling With Lower Belts: Becoming Innovative

Ever had a training session where there weren’t any higher belts present, but just a couple of students at your belt ...
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