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Blue Belt Demoted To White Belt

Recently, video surfaced of an instructor demoting a student from blue belt to white belt. The instructor was not loo...

Dear New Blue Belt: Don’t You Dare Quit Now

Dear new blue belt, First of all, congratulations! You, like many others around this time of the year, have made that...

Stephan Kesting Talks To Rob Biernacki About What You Need To Become A Blue Belt

In this video, Grapplearts’ Stephan Kesting talks to BJJ black belt Rob Biernacki about the requirements for becoming...

Watch This White Belt Get A Huge Surprise While Rolling With His Professor

Getting your blue belt is an experience that no jiu-jitsu practitioner ever forgets. It’s the moment you suddenly sto...

The First Time I Tapped A Blue Belt

Okay, I know that training is not supposed to be about “who tapped who”.  I know that the ego has little place in tra...

BJJ Blue Belt: Expectations vs Reality

The post BJJ Blue Belt: Expectations vs Reality appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

Why People Quit Jiu-Jitsu

For some of us, the thought of quitting jiu-itsu doesn’t even enter the realm of possibility. We’d go insane without ...

How To Deal With Your “Bluesing” Streak

Getting your blue belt is both one of the best and worst moments of the earlier stages of your jiu-jitsu career. On o...

The Day You Got Your Blue Belt

Talking with some jiu-jitsu guys who had been around the mats a long time I asked the question: “Which belt promotion...

Reader Question: Nervous When Helping The Instructor

A reader question from a blue belt named Jonathan Dunaway: So I get extremely nervous when being an example for my he...

Why My Blue Belt Is My Most Prized Possession

Having your blue belt is like being at the awkward teenager stage of the jiu-jitsu journey. You know enough to kind o...

Meet The Guy Who Earned His Blue Belt At 53 Years Of Age

The Jiu-Jitsu Times spoke to Henk van Mierlo from Renzo Gracie Holland about graduating to his blue belt at 53 years ...
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