Do This Now To Ensure You’ll Still Be Training BJJ in 10 Years

BJJ is a fantastically fun sport that’s also undeniably hard on the body.

The key to getting better is to train consistently.  To train consistently you need to avoid injuries as much as possible.  And in this video (and podcast) you’ll learn my single biggest tip for people in their 30’s and 40’s who want to keep on training into their 50’s and 60’s

Check it out – I’m sure it’ll help you in the long run…

How to Improve Your BJJ Longevity (Video)

How to Improve Your BJJ Longevity (Audio Podcast)

In addition to this blog and my Youtube channel I also have a very active podcast.

Some episodes feature guests, but others – like this one – are shorter rants on various aspects of training.

Grab episode 232 about increasing your longevity in BJJ on the podcast player that you already have on your phone!

the free apple podcast app

For example, if you have an iPhone then it’s the purple app with the antenna-like thing in it; just click the Apple Podcasts link below to go to the right place and hit ‘subscribe’.

Here are the links to find the podcast on various players – today’s episode is number 232

Or you can just stream the audio here:

An Intro to Overall Body Weight Training for Martial Arts

I have written at length about how to get started in basic weightlifting for martial arts (including BJJ). Click here to read that article!

Just to get you started though, here’s a video I shot in my personal gym that covers many of the same topics…


Functional Strength for BJJ

After you build a base of overall strength and develop familiarity with the basic exercises you may wish to push yourself further with some BJJ specific exercises…

In the video below my friend (and BJJ black belt) Ben Zhuang takes me through his 6 favourite exercises for functional strength in BJJ.

If this is a topic you’re interested in then make sure to check out the full article on the topic of BJJ functional strength training – it includes tons of pics and even a e reference PDF document that you can download to your phone for free.


More BJJ Resources

If you’re not already doing so then follow me on Instagram (@stephan_kesting) where I post cool pics and informative videos quite regularly

And if you’re thinking about starting BJJ, or have done it for less than 2 years, then grab my free guide to learning the art as fast as possible here.



Roadmap for BJJ book

Free to Download!

The post Do This Now To Ensure You’ll Still Be Training BJJ in 10 Years appeared first on Grapplearts.

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