One Breath, One Attack; A Heuristic for Guard Domination

There’s a BJJ black belt strategy for the guard that anyone can use…

This approach keeps your opponent in danger of getting swept or submitted and makes it hard for him to even think about passing your guard.

It’s really simple. Ready? Here it is…

“One breath, one attack!”

This strategy means that you continously try to improve your position, at least one time every time you breath.

Sometimes an ‘attack’ means big attacks like an armbar or a sweep, but most of your ‘attacks’ will actually be actually small, incremental improvements that gradually put your opponent into a worse and worse position.

Here’s how it might go:

Breath in, breath out, get a grip on his wrist…

Breath in, breath out, get an even better 2-on-1 grip…

Breath in, breath out, offbalance your opponent again by pushing his knee with your foot…

Now your opponent over-reacts so you immediately slam that armbar into place!

Are there exceptions to this?  Of course; it’s just a heuristic. Sometimes you’ll do two moves during one breath and sometimes you’ll do none.

But the general idea still stands; burn a little bit of energy now rather than letting your opponent pass your guard which will force you to burn a HUGE amount of energy later.

(It’ll also keep you from holding your breath while sparring or competing which is a HUGE problem for some people.)

Continuously winning grip and off-balancing battles keeps your opponent on the run. It’s an incredibly powerful strategy that keeps you hustling and stops your opponent from launching his own offense.

Give it a try: one breath, one attack.

If you want a head start implementing this strategy I suggest you check out the brand new The Gripfighting and Kuzushi Formula.

Here’s a quick preview of what’s in the instructional…

The Gripfighting and Kuzushi Formula is a powerful, step-by-step approach for winning the grip battle, keeping your opponent off-balance, and setting him up for powerful sweeps and submissions.

Click here to find out more!

The post One Breath, One Attack; A Heuristic for Guard Domination appeared first on Grapplearts.

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