Lachlan Giles’ Advice for Injury Prevention: “Keep Your Training Load Consistent”

Injuries are a frequent occurrence in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. And there’s a pretty high likelihood that you’ll experience some tweaks here and there… But, nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do something about the issue; at the very least, you can partake in some injury prevention work.
Lachlan Giles shares how he keeps himself injury-free for the most part:

The most important piece of advice that I can give for injury prevention is to keep your training load consistent, as a rapid increase in training load is a pretty good predictor that you will get injured.
However, what people often miss when I say this is that a decrease in training load, e.g. taking a 2 week vacation, can make it so that going back to your normal training load is now a rapid increase in training load.

It’s important to ask for a medical opinion when you get injured as well, so that you don’t get reinjured as soon as you return to training:

I haven’t had any serious injuries for some time, but my advice is to, if you are injured, first seek a medical opinion. Afterwards, it’s important to ask them the following question: „What can I still do?“

So long as the condition allows, you need to try to keep some level of training going; so that when you get back to full training, the increase in load is not as drastic.

Read our full interview with Lachlan Giles on the following link and learn more things that will make your BJJ journey that much more enjoyable and productive.

The post Lachlan Giles’ Advice for Injury Prevention: “Keep Your Training Load Consistent” appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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