Here’s How To Defend Against The Outside Ashi Position

The Japanese term ashi garami translates literally to “leg entanglement”. Cross ashi garami refers to trapping or entangling an opponents’ leg across your own center line. Inside sankaku is a variation of cross ashi garami in which a wedge or triangle (sankaku) is formed inside of the trapped leg. This configuration not only limits our opponents’ defense & escape options, but also puts us in position to attack both the ankle and knee simultaneously via achilles lock and inside/inverted heel hook.

So your opponent has entangled your legs into an Outside Ashi position? Don’t worry, it’s not too complicated to get out of it.

Here’s how, as shown by Giancarlo Bodoni:

Stop Getting Leg Locked And Turn The Tables With This Formula That ADCC World Champion Giancarlo Bodoni Used To Develop Into A Fierce Leg Locker, With Systems To Defend And Escape All The Most Brutal & Effective Leg Locks.

  • This 8-part masterclass offers you lessons on early & late defenses for all the most common and difficult leg lock attacks that people use in competition, including heel hooks.
  • Giancarlo Bodoni has emerged as one of the best grapplers on Earth, and in his training with Professor John Danaher and Team New Wave, he has developed into an ADCC World Champion.

The post Here’s How To Defend Against The Outside Ashi Position appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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