Explosive Exchange: Rodolfo, Leandro Lo and Preguiça Train Together in Rio

Rodolfo e Lo na praia de Copacabana. Foto: Deive Coutinho

Rodolfo and Lo on Copacabana Beach (photo by Deive Coutinho)

Stars of the Jan. 13 Copa Pódio event in Rio, the black belts Rodolfo Vieira, Leandro Lo do Nascimento and Felip “Preguiça” Pena continue to make history even after the event.

The rivals from separate academies, all three world champions (Preguiça at brown belt), put their differences aside and trained together yesterday afternoon in the Recreio dos Bandeirantes borough of Rio de Janeiro.

The hard-core sparring session went down at Theodoro Canal’s academy, and according to statements made by Rodolfo Vieira over Facebook today, it was simply superb.

“After a training session like this one, you see just how much you have to improve,” said the heavyweight monster in praise, showing that it’s through tough and varied opponents that one progresses in Jiu-Jitsu.

Rodolfo of GFTeam, Lo of Cícero Costha and Preguiça of GB BH put together a video of the best Jiu-Jitsu positions to surface at the January Copa Pódio event.

Subscribers to the Heayvweight GP pay-per-view stream are entitled to exclusive access to the video, so stay tuned to to find out when it premiers.

Check out the behind-the-scenes footage taken at Abi-Rihan’s academy.

The post Explosive Exchange: Rodolfo, Leandro Lo and Preguiça Train Together in Rio first appeared on Graciemag.
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