Ex-Pride and UFC fighter Assuério Silva Shot in Brazil

Assuério Silva. Foto: Divulgação

Assuério Silva weight in for theUFC in 2006 (publicity photo)

On the evening of this Tuesday, Jan. 29, Assuério Silva, a 38-year-old fighter who has been through the UFC and Pride FC promotions, was shot as he left his gym in the Brazilian city of Curitiba. The black belt took five bullets, as reported by the Paraná Online website.

After the shots were fired, residents of the Santa Felicidade neighborhood rushed to the scene to help. At least seven police cars and two ambulances attended to the fighter. Still conscious, Assuério revealed that the shooter was his former business partners Robson Freitas. Silva remains in critical condition at a local hospital.

Assuério had not fought since 2009, when he lost to Gerônimo Mondragon at Jungle Fight 15. A former star from Chute Boxe academy’s heyday, the black belt from the Northeastern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte fought twice in the UFC octagon, in 2006, and has faced such big names as Alessio Sakara, Cheick Kongo, Tim Sylvia and Brandon Vera.

At Pride FC, Assuério had a hard-fought encounter with Alexander Emelianenko, the heavyweight brother of superstar Fedor Emelianenko, in 2003.

The post Ex-Pride and UFC fighter Assuério Silva Shot in Brazil first appeared on Graciemag.
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