Craig Jones: “There’s No Reason To Have A Uniform Policy, Except…”

Some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gyms/academies have a uniform policy that stipulates you can only wear their own gi and no-gi equipment.
That is, only the gym’s gis/rashguards and shorts (and spats). What do you think of this approach?

Well, Craig Jones thinks that there’s no reason for it, except the pretty obvious one – earning additional money.
But that can be achieved without having a uniform policy in place:

There’s no reason to have a uniform policy, except that you want your members to buy your merchandise.

Guys, just make cool merchandise.
Pay a designer and guys will wear your sh*t, you shouldn’t make them wear it.

Craig then shared a specific example of a gym and gym owner that enforces the uniform rule:

Rafa Mendes at AOJ, I believe you could only wear white gis.
Is this a gym or is this a Klan meeting, you know what I mean?

Why are we all wearing white fabric over us at all times, you know what I mean?
Is it professor Rafa or grand wizard Rafa, you know?

He also has an idea about which gym started enforcing the rule first:

I wonder what the first gym that did that was?
Probably Gracie Barra.

The post Craig Jones: “There’s No Reason To Have A Uniform Policy, Except…” appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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