This “Wrestle Up” Single Leg Setup By John Danaher Is Remarkably Simple

One of the biggest “mistakes” that the majority of BJJ students make – and that you can exploit – is that once they get down to the mats, they stay down… Instead of wrestling up – which you can do instead.

To wrestle up from the guard, you’ll first need to get one of your legs out of the way, while simultaneously getting to a slight angle and posting on your back hand. From here, you need to elicit a response from your training partner – by pushing into him with your second hand.

Here’s a simple wrestle up Single Leg setup you can use as early as your next training session. John Danaher demonstrates:

Play from seated and supine open guards like butterfly, reverse de la riva, shin to shin, and more as Nicky shows you a complete system for using wrestle up sweeps to your advantage.

  • Create strong attacks using double kouchi, arm drags, front headlocks, and more of Nicky’s signature competition offense.
  • Nicky is an elite black belt competitor & B-Team founder who is one of the most technical grapplers on Earth, regardless of size.

The post This “Wrestle Up” Single Leg Setup By John Danaher Is Remarkably Simple appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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