The “Elbow On Calf” Is One Of The Most Unexpected Submissions, Ever

Heel hooks, calf slicers, and neck cranks are all deemed dangerous submissions and prohibited from competition by the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF), a non-profit that hosts some of the biggest Jiu-Jitsu tournaments in the world.

Usually, learning these dangerous moves are at the discretion of the BJJ instructor. Some students may never learn these submissions, but others begin to learn them from day one, especially if their academy is not focused on sports competition.

It’s such a great feeling when you submit your training partner when they’re least expecting it, right?
Here’s another sneaky setup and an even sneakier submission, that will always catch your training partners off guard: the Elbow On Calf technique.

Nicolas Renier demonstrates on the video below:

Crush The Competition with Eli Knight’s Guide To Effective Compression Locks Like The Calf Slicer, Bicep Slicer, & Much, Much More.

  • Work from common grappling positions with Eli’s help as he shows you how to finish the fight from the spider-web, the back, the crucifix, and much more.
  • Hit innovative and unusual submission holds for the finish, like Eli’s Veal Sandwich, Genie Kimura, baratoplata, and more.

The post The “Elbow On Calf” Is One Of The Most Unexpected Submissions, Ever appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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