Mikey Musumeci Talks Dealing With Pressure: “I Use It As Fuel”

Mikey Musumeci feels a lot of responsibility to elevate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu’s popularity to new heights.

And, as emphasized in a recent interview, he sees ONE Championship as an outstanding venue to do so:

This platform is insane for us as Jiu-Jitsu people.

We’re used to competing in high schools and now, we’re here.
Like, the whole world is watching, millions and millions of people.

So, I’m just really grateful for this opportunity. But I just feel this huge pressure for me to keep Jiu-Jitsu on this platform.
I feel like it’s all on my shoulders sometimes, but I’m blessed for that opportunity.

Musumeci is handling the stress well so far:

At first, it was scary to me. Like, I’ve never felt this before. I have all this pressure. I have to perform.
But now as I get pressure, I use it as fuel. I changed my mindset.

Today, Mikey is grateful for it:

I use this pressure as fuel, and the more pressure I get, the more fuel I have.
I feel like every time I get more and more pressure, it makes me a better version of myself.

So yes, people [say to] me: “Oh, you have so much pressure.”
Yes, I do. But I’m grateful for it because I know it’s going to make me better, and I have to rise to the occasion.


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