Lucas Lepri against JT Torres at the Worlds. Foto: Ivan Trindade/GRACIEMAG
Lucas Lepri conquered in 2014 his second World Jiu-Jitsu Championship tittle after winning five matches in his weight division. In the final match, the black belt outscored JT Torres by 12-0, with guard passes and one takedown.
Fighting at Alliance BJJ, the athlete is used to train hard and roll with opponents that are much stronger and heavier than him. Knowing that, GRACIEMAG went after Lucas to find out what does the lightweight do to fuel up energy and have the stamina to endure tough hours of training at the gym and compete.
GRACIEMAG: What do you eat before training?
Lucas: In the morning I usually eat Brazilian yucca (tapioca) or whole wheat bread with almond butter, mashed bananas with hemp seed and honey. Especially, I feel very well and light while training when I have tapioca for breakfast.
Do you take any supplements?
I prepare some green tea and drink it on my way to the gym. I take a Multi-vitamin, Maca, Red Ginseng and amino acids – Glutamine only after training. I don’t enjoy taking a lot of supplements to enhance performance; I prefer to eat healthy.
How do you think your eating habits affect your performance?
I feel very good and energized to start the day and train.
So, dear reader, did you like the diet tips of the world champion? Comment here!
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