The spinning omoplata setup using the lasso hook is one of the very coolest spider guard attacks.
In this attack you go from controlling one of his arms to a match-ending submission in the blink of an eye.
No only does this move make you feel like superman, but it’s actually a very high technique if you understand all the details and the correct timing for applying it.
Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the spinning omoplata from spider guard…
While you’re here, let’s take a look at some commonly asked questions about this technique…
How Do I Finish the Omoplata?
The omoplata is a very deep submission. There are a LOT of different ways to submit your opponent with it, and many other submissions you can transition into.
But the first thing you should try to do is to break your opponent’s alignment, get him flat, and then lift your hips to carefully apply the submission.
It’s essentially doing a Kimura armlock but using your legs to control his arm.
Here’s a detailed breakdown of how to how to break down your opponent’s posture and finish him with the omoplata!
What’s the Lasso Hook?
The leg lasso hook (also known colloquially as ‘lasso guard’) is a powerful way of controlling your opponent in the spider guard.
In the picture above Elliott (in white) has threaded his left leg around my right arm and into my armpit while controlling the end of my right sleeve with his left hand.
This is a great way to control one side of your opponent’s body. It makes it very hard for him to pass the guard and sets up a ton of sweep and submission options.
Click here for more information about the leg lasso spider guard.
How Do I Spin Into the Omoplata?
Spinning into the omoplata is not nearly as hard as hard as it looks.
Honestly, if you can do the ‘half wall inversion’ drill below then you’re flexible enough to do this technique. Here’s what that drill looks like…

The Half Wall Inversion
Another reason why extreme flexibility is NOT required in this move is because you’re not doing this move with your opponent’s weight on you.
If you do the spinning lasso guard entry correctly then his weight is off to one side of you. Now the only weight you have to support when you’re inverting and spinning is the weight of his arm, which is really no weight at all.
If the idea of inverting still seems a bit daunting then here’s a primer on how to learn, train, and safely apply inversions in BJJ that might be helpful.
Related Lasso Guard Attacks
There are a TON of attacks, sweeps and submissions from the lasso guard
We can’t cover all the attacks here, but it’s worth pointing out a few…

1, Elbow Pull Omoplata from Lasso Guard
First we’ll talk about another way to get into the same submission (the omoplata) from the same position (the lasso guard).
This is called the elbow pull omoplata, and in it you start by controlling his sleeve and his posture, then you pull his elbow with your hand, kick your leg through, and end up in the same omoplata position another way.
So the same lasso hook puts your opponent into double jeopardy.
By having two ways to get to the same submission you can keep him guessing about what’s coming next and not let him get too comfortable.
Click here for a breakdown of the details of the elbow pull omoplata from lasso guard on Youtube.
(Please note that this technique is also covered in the Omoplata 2.0 instructional.)

2, Spinning Triangle Choke from Lasso Guard
Now we’ll talk about another use of the spin from lasso guard. In this case you’ll be spinning through all the way to the triangle choke.
This isn’t so very different from the main technique we already covered on this page (the spinning omoplata entry from the lasso hook).
In that move we essentially spun 180 degrees: initially our feet pointed towards his feet, and then we ended up with our feet pointing in the exact other direction.
You can do the exact same movement but continue to spin a full 360 degrees. Your legs end up pointing back at him again, but now you’re in the perfect position for a triangle choke.
Click here for the full tutorial on the spinning triangle choke from the lasso guard.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Omoplata But Were Afraid to Ask
Before I go, I should remind you that I’ve put everything I know about the Omoplata attack together into a logical, coherent, and easy-to-learn system for you.
It’s called Omoplata 2.0 and it’s available in DVD, online streaming, and app-based formats on this very site!
It took more than 20 years of research to put this together for you, and I think you’ll be very happy with it if you check it out.
Click here to find out more about Omoplata 2.0.
Stephan Kesting
The post Lasso Spider Guard to Omoplata appeared first on Grapplearts.