Gregor Gracie wants to land on top and finish next 23rd at One FC

Gregor Gracie em NY. Foto: Lucas Noon/Divulgação.

Gregor Gracie in NY / Photo: Lucas Noon/publicity

With six wins in his seven-fight MMA career, five of which came via submission, Gregor Gracie already has his next challenge coming up. A member of the new generation of one of the most revered families in the martial arts world, the athlete has a June 23 engagement in the cage against hometown fighter Adam Kayoom at ONE FC in the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s Negara stadium.

Gregor competes in the welterweight division and trains with his uncle Renzo Gracie, one of the biggest names in MMA, in New York. “My preparations are 100% focused on my opponent’s characteristics and my game plan for the fight. As Adam’s good at Thai boxing, I’m doing a lot of wrestling training to brush up on my takedowns and take the fight to the ground, even though he too is a Jiu-Jitsu black belt,” the Gracie assured.

Gregor will try to land on top and gun for the finish. “It’ll be a tough fight, since he’s really experienced and I can find any weaknesses in him. But I think that if I take him down and manage to land on top I’ll have the advantage,” he added.

For his eighth fight the Gracie, for the first time, will do battle in his opponent’s homeland. “That’s an advantage for him, since he won’t need to make any changes to his routine nor deal with jet lag. Besides having the crowd on his side. I’m going in there already prepared for that. I’m going to maintain my focus on my opponent and try to forget the crowd,” he said in closing.

The post Gregor Gracie wants to land on top and finish next 23rd at One FC first appeared on Graciemag.
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