Gracie Diet: Optimize your performance in Jiu-Jitsu with a complex carbo-load

Fruits are nutrient-rich carbs.

Fruits are nutrient-rich carbs.

Jiu-Jitsu practitioners looking to improve athletic performance or every active person who would like to have more stamina and energy to work out should know that consuming carbohydrates is essential since they are the primary fuel for your body.

According to sports dietetics specialist and columnist for, Katie Jeffrey, “carbohydrates are key for maximum energy, speed, stamina, concentration, recovery and better fluid balance.” Besides being stored in the muscles for energy, they are also responsible for the use of protein to build muscle. During a physical activity, the body as a way to continually produce energy consumes carbohydrates.

However, it is imperative to know that the types of carbohydrates are just as important as the amount of carbohydrates you eat. “Complex or nutrient-rich carbohydrates such as whole grains, beans, legumes, fruits and starchy vegetables provide many vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. They are also excellent sources of fiber. Therefore, they are necessary for optimum health, energy levels and athletic performance.” Katie explains

Thus, GRACIEMAG has selected a light and delicious whole-wheat pasta salad recipe for you today, filled with vegetables and laudable ingredients. Check it out:


Fresh Pasta Salad

Tagliatelle pasta

By Jack La Lanne’s Power Juicer Fresh Recipe Collection


1 lb. whole-wheat pasta (cooked and drained)

¼ c. red bell pepper pulp

¼ c. yellow bell pepper pulp

¼ c. asparagus spears

¼ c. onion pulp

½ c. zucchini pulp

½ c. carrot pulp

2 tbsp. olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste



Cook and drain the whole-wheat pasta and let it cool off in room temperature. Using a powerful juicer extract the pulp from the peppers, onions, zucchini and carrot. Mix the vegetable pulps with the asparagus spears, olive oil and then into the whole-wheat pasta. Use salt and pepper to taste. Serve it fresh!

Hope you enjoy it. Be healthy!

The post Gracie Diet: Optimize your performance in Jiu-Jitsu with a complex carbo-load first appeared on Graciemag.
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