Ginástica Natural: Three body-weight workouts with Álvaro Romano

[First published in 2009.]

A. Start in this position, trying to lay your ankle on the ground
and stretching the leg’s posterior musculature.

B. When launching the leg forward for the spider position, seek
to keep the whole foot on the ground, which will provide good
base for initiating the kick. Notice how the extra load is on the
arm opposite the bent leg.

C, D. In transitioning to the kick movement, keep your balance using
only one of your arms.

E. Keep the leg extended and
hip up high for a few seconds.
Return following the same
steps, until once again reaching
starting position (photo A). Aim
to do five to ten repetitions
according to your stamina,
increasing the speed of the
movement little by little until
performing the final set at full
speed. Remember, though, to
always stretch the leg when in
kicking position.

A Sit with your knee positioned as Álvaro Romano is demonstrating
in the photo.

B Begin the movement switching the position of the legs.

C Keep one leg extended and the other bent,
with the sole of the foot on the ground. Keep
your knee up, to achieve a better stretch.

D Without using your hands, use the movement
of your legs as a lever to reach
position E. The leg in front is launched
backwards while the back leg comes to the
front, bent.

E Now prepare to switch sides, using the
movement of your arms.

F, G, H Observe the movement of extending
and bending alternating legs, during the
switch movement.

I Only once you have reached this position
do you put your feet on the ground,
to restart the movement on the other side.
Aim to do five to ten repetitions, always
keeping your knee positioned sideways
in position A.

A. Sit with your knee in lateral

B. In bringing your leg to you, try
and put your knee to your chest.

C. Extend your entire leg, but
keep your back as straight as

D. Switch legs, again bending
your knee at chest height.

E. Extend your leg again.

F. Start returning to the initial
position bending your leg.

G. Only put your leg to the
ground at the end of the movement,
as in the photo.

The post Ginástica Natural: Three body-weight workouts with Álvaro Romano first appeared on Graciemag.
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