Can You Improve In BJJ With Just 2-3 Training Days Per Week?

We get it – you’re a busy person. You have your family, your friends, your work… But you still want to train more often than you’re training right now. As a matter of fact, you’re asking yourself: “Alright, training is going well. But can I truly improve by training just 2-3 days per week? Because that’s the most that I can do.”
You shouldn’t worry about these things. You can improve extremely well with just 2-3 training sessions per week – you just have to do a couple of things properly.

Nick “Chewy” Albin shares what these things are.



Chewy emphasizes the importance of being focused during training. Because, a lot of people come to training but their mind isn’t really “there”. They aren’t focused on the techniques and they aren’t focused during sparring. Their minds are elsewhere.
So, it’s incredibly important for you to really put your mind into learning the techniques while you’re there. Don’t let it stray off to anything that isn’t related to what is at hand – it will take some time before you get accustomed to this, but you’ll get there.

And secondly, you really need to utilize the advice which is given to you by your coach. BJJ students miss out on so many fantastic opportunities for improvement by not taking what their coach advises them to heart.
Make this transition as soon as possible. You will see how fast you’ll start improving if only you implement what your coach tells you to.

Chewy explains more on the video below:

The post Can You Improve In BJJ With Just 2-3 Training Days Per Week? appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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