Are You Making These 5 Beginner BJJ Mistakes?

Here’s the deal: everyone makes mistakes from time to time. And that’s fine, especially in the sport of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – because how else are you going to learn? However, if you keep repeating the same errors over and over… That’s not good.
For instance, let’s take a look at the following beginner BJJ mistakes. Are you making them?



The first mistake you might be making is not protecting your neck. Listen: whenever someone gets their hands close to your neck, you need to be deflecting them. And if they already have a grip on your neck (or on the collar), you need to peel it off as soon as possible.
And is your head down? No, not just mentally; but is it down while you’re in someone’s Closed Guard or while you’re taking them down? If so, you can bet that you’ll get attacked with much more ease than it would’ve been the case otherwise.

A lot of students make the mistake of not protecting the Mount while they’re in bottom Side Control. We know that you’re tired, but if you just let your training partner transition into Mount… Things are going to get even tougher. So, bring your knee up!
Also, one of the most unfortunate beginner BJJ mistakes is untying your legs from bottom Half Guard (doing it without a plan, but just because you’re tired and similar). The moment you untie them is the moment your training partner will transition to Side Control.

And finally, if you’re pushing people away – from whichever position, essentially – you’re wasting your energy. And, with those arms straightened out like that, you’re bound to get submitted.

The post Are You Making These 5 Beginner BJJ Mistakes? appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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