Zion Clark (Wrestler Born Without Legs) Wins Professional MMA Debut

Zion Clark, the famous collegiate wrestler who was born with no legs due to a rare birth disorder, just won his professional MMA debut!

The 25-year old fought Eugene Murray, at the Gladiator Challenge: Seasons’ Beatings event on Saturday. The judges gave him a unanimous decision.
Namely, Clark used his wrestling skills to take down Murray repeatedly, and outworked him throughout the entire fight. Check out one of his takedowns and a great scramble on the video below:

Clark was born with a rare birth defect called “Caudal regression syndrome”; a disorder that impairs the development of the lower half of the body.
He was put to adoption after being born and was bounced around the foster care system.

But today, other than being a successful wrestler and MMA fighter, he’s also training for the 2024 Olympic Games, where he’d like to wrestle.
Clark is also aiming to compete in the Paralympics, in wheelchair racing – as he’s one of the most elite racers in the world.

Watch the inspirational video about Zion Clark below:

The post Zion Clark (Wrestler Born Without Legs) Wins Professional MMA Debut appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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