Travis Stevens: ‘I’m An Olympian & Will Never Do Crossfit’

Travis Stevens: ‘I’m An Olympian & Will Never Do Crossfit’Travis Stevens crossfit

Olympian in Judo and BJJ black belt competitor Travis Stevens has expressed that he is not interested in engaging in any Crossfit exercises. In the past, he has told Men’s Fitness that it was a waste of time to him. As a man with so many qualifications, he believes that all of the necessary training is already taken care of as a part of what he does with his martial arts.

He had heart of CrossFit exercises several years ago, and he has seen that most of these gyms are simply run out of people’s garages, without serious business considerations. He thinks that many of the people who run these gyms simply are not certified as coaches. He believes that all that they do for their strategy is visit websites, find what they are looking for without digging deeper, and put the clients through it.

He believes that different people have different needs, and that not every person who is present in the training room will be able to do every same thing. There are some people who need to stronger, while others need to be faster, or even more flexible. With CrossFit, he believes that as soon as people arrive, they are told what to do and figure it out, without any real structure being involved.

He has also heard many negative stories about some of the exercises and experiences. He believes that many of the exercises are bad ideas in general and that they do nothing practical for the people who are engaging in them. He does not believe that many of the exercises are done with the client in mind, and that most of the exercises just focus on doing things without any return value.

He does not believe that CrossFit should be as popular as it is, and he believes that it might be popular for the same reason that spin class is popular. He thinks that people simply enjoy going to classes with their friends instead of outlining their fitness goals and meeting them appropriately. He believes that these people will be trying to lift heavy weights over their heads just for the gratification of their peers. He believes that CrossFit should be required to warn all practitioners of the injuries that can result from the incorrect technique and procedures that the practice encourages other people to do.

The post Travis Stevens: ‘I’m An Olympian & Will Never Do Crossfit’ appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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