How To Tape A Sore Elbow

If you enjoyed BJJ blue belt and physiotherapist Christine Mac’s advice for BJJ fighters who are dealing with a sore elbow in her previous video, you’ll learn something valuable from Christine’s demonstration on how to tape your arm to return to training

This tape job is recommended the first week after an arm bar, and for initial return to sport. Step 1: Position the elbow in a slightly bent position, and have the athlete contract their forearm and bicep muscles. Step 2: Apply anchors at the middle of the bicep and middle of the forearm. I used Cover Roll as a base (this is optional), then two strips of white athletic tape overlapping by half-widths. Step 3: Take a strip of a thick, non-stretchy tape. Stick it to the forearm anchor, then pull it up and diagonally to attach it to the bicep anchor, crossing the elbow crease. Make sure to actually apply a pull on the tape to pull the elbow into a slight flexion. Do the same with a piece going in the opposite direction, forming an X. Step 4: Make another X as in Step 3, overlapping the strips by half the tape width. Step 5: Apply anchors over the ends. Note: I sometimes also apply the underwrap throughout the space between the anchors, before applying the X. This can be more comfortable for the skin. #rehabontap #armbars #yycphysio #bjjyyc #yycbjj #peakhealthcalgary #athletictape #returntosport #bjj #jiujitsu #bjjlifestyle

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Christine : This tape job is recommended the first week after an arm bar, and for initial return to sport.

Step 1: Position the elbow in a slightly bent position, and have the athlete contract their forearm and bicep muscles.

Step 2: Apply anchors at the middle of the bicep and middle of the forearm. I used Cover Roll as a base (this is optional), then two strips of white athletic tape overlapping by half-widths.

Step 3: Take a strip of a thick, non-stretchy tape. Stick it to the forearm anchor, then pull it up and diagonally to attach it to the bicep anchor, crossing the elbow crease. Make sure to actually apply a pull on the tape to pull the elbow into a slight flexion. Do the same with a piece going in the opposite direction, forming an X.

Step 4: Make another X as in Step 3, overlapping the strips by half the tape width.

Step 5: Apply anchors over the ends.

Note: I sometimes also apply the underwrap throughout the space between the anchors, before applying the X. This can be more comfortable for the skin

Got a rehab for BJJ question for Christine? Contact Christine through her Instagram or message us at Jiu-Jitsu Times.

The post How To Tape A Sore Elbow appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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