How to Stop the Leg Shuck Pass

The leg shuck pass has become a very popular, very powerful way to pass the guard.

Leg Shuck Guard PassThis pass is applied from the feet against many types of open guard. It involves an angle change, hipping in, and pushing your opponent’s leg out of position. If all goes well then you end up in a very good position on your opponent’s side.

You should definitely be familiar with the leg shuck, especially if you have a standing guard pass game as opposed to a kneeling pass.

But today’s article is actually about shutting down the leg shuck if someone tries to use it on you. And about maintaining your guard when your opponent tries to counter your counter to his counter.

You see, high level BJJ players don’t think in terms of single moves. They don’t think about applying only a single guard pass…

No! They think in combinations of moves: how to start with a guard pass, what your opponent is likely to do to stop that guard pass, and then counter that reaction, flow around the resistance, and blast through the guard regardless.

Which is why if you’re trying to maintain your guard and defend the guard pass you need to be thinking about counters, recounters, and re-recounters.

Your opponent has his guard passes. You have your counters to those passes. He has his counters to your counters. And you need counters to his counters to your counters.

This may sound complicated, but it really is the way that high level jiu-jitsu works. the video below on black belt guard passing and guard pass prevention will give you some very concrete, no-nonsense, and immediately applicable examples of how this all works in real life.

In it I’m working with BJJ black belt Elliott Bayev, and he does an amazing job of breaking down the counter and recounter game, and – more importantly – how you can add these tricks, techniques and strategies to your own game right away.

Check out the killer guard passing and guard pass prevention tutorial below. You’ll learn how to destroy the Leg Drag, baffle the Backstep, nix the X Pass, foil the Bullfighter, and thwart the Leg Shuck pass. All of which you can run into any time you’re using any form of open guard (or your closed guard gets opened).

This is how high-level black belts think, and now you can add it to your own game!

P.S. The video above is an excerpt from the Invincible Spider Guard instructional app for iPhone, iPad, Android and Kindle.  Click here for more info about this incredibly detailed guard pass prevention system.

Spider Guard Masterclass Vol 5 - Invincible Spider Guard

The post How to Stop the Leg Shuck Pass appeared first on Grapplearts.

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