Getting Back To The Gym After A Long Layoff? Here’s What To Do

Brazilian jiu-jitsu might be life for all of us, but sometimes life gets in the way of Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

I live in a big military town, and many of my teammates have to leave for extended periods of time. Sometimes they are sent to places where there is no Brazilian jiu-jitsu gym close by (yes, places like that exist).

Injury might also keep some people off the mats. Though there are ways to train with a  sprained ankle or pulled muscle, some injuries are so severe that they require people to stay off the mats completely.

Then, of course, there are people who had no excuse to stop doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu, but for whatever reason, they did. Now they’ve recognized their mistake and want to get back on the mats.

So what can people do in order to get back to Brazilian jiu-jitsu after a long layoff?

In this video, third-degree black belt Nick “Chewy” Albin has some advice.

Check out the video below:

The post Getting Back To The Gym After A Long Layoff? Here’s What To Do appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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