Craig Jones Demonstrates A More Effective Hip Bump Sweep Variation

The closed guard is likely the first type of guard a student will learn in BJJ. The closed guard is just one of the many guards you’ll encounter in your training. It is a part of the identity of BJJ as a ground-based martial art to emphasize guard work. While learning the closed guard is fundamentally the safest way to build a defensive game around, it can also be used offensively to sweep and submit opponents. Today, we will talk about a technique from the closed guard in BJJ, the hip bump sweep.

The Hip Bump Sweep is one of the most basic sweeps in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. However, past the beginner level, you’ll find that it won’t work against more experienced opponents.

So, here’s a Hip Bump Sweep variation that will work better. Its goal isn’t to fully sweep the opponent; however, but to use it as a Triangle setup.
Craig Jones demonstrates:

The post Craig Jones Demonstrates A More Effective Hip Bump Sweep Variation appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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