7 Effective Tips for Working Out Regularly

Did you know that the CDC recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every week? To people who love to work out, this probably seems easy. To those of us who haven’t been to a gym in, well, ever, it might sound scary. 

150 minutes is a half-hour 5 days per week! When you frame it like that, it doesn’t seem that hard, right? What’s stopping you from starting? 

We’re here with a few quick tips for working out to help you get started. Read on to learn more.

  1. Set Specific Goals

When you first start working out, you might have a hard time making progress if you’re not sure what that progress is supposed to look like. What are your goals for working out, and how will you know if you’re meeting them?

Many people choose to work out because they want to lose weight. What they actually want, however, is to lose fat. No one works out to lose muscle mass.

Maybe you want to gain muscle (and gain weight) instead. 

Some people just want to work out to feel better and healthier. Again, the CDC recommends that healthy adults get 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week. 

Regardless of why you’re working out, keep that goal in mind when you’re planning. Remember that it’s okay if your goals change (as a matter of fact, they almost definitely will, and that’s a good thing).

  1. Get Workout Gear That Makes You Feel Great

This is going to seem silly, but it can make a big difference to anyone who’s brand-new to their workout journey. By gearing up ahead of time with workout clothes that make you feel confident and comfortable, you might be more likely to actually work out. 

Invest in a stylish pair of gym shorts or leggings. Find a top or sports bra that you’re proud to show off. Even if you have some body insecurities, the right outfit can make you feel great.

Grab a cool pair of the best athletic shoes (that are appropriate for your workout style), like the xx8 Jordans, for example, and start working out!

  1. Start Slow

Some people can start their workouts full-steam ahead with long-distance runs or heavy lifting, but most people aren’t able to do this. Instead, start slow and build your skills up over time.

If you try to do too much too quickly, you’ll burn out. You might even injure yourself! This is going to set back your exercise journey.

Instead of running, try walking or jogging. Even a quick jog/walk combo around your neighborhood will get your blood pumping.

Instead of going straight toward the weight rack or workout equipment, try doing some bodyweight strength exercises. If you can’t even do a push-up yet, you’re probably not ready for a heavy chest press.

Remember that everyone starts somewhere and it’s okay to be a beginner!

  1. Try a Variety of Workouts

Variety is the spice of life, and it’s also the spice of your workouts. If you’re doing the same thing every day, and you don’t absolutely love it, you might end up getting bored and quitting. If you want to stay engaged, try a variety of workouts and see if you can find something that you love. 

Some people love the idea of running for an hour at a time, but others find it mind-numbing. Some people enjoy lifting weights while others get bored.

You can try rock climbing, dancing, martial arts, and more. Get creative! The best workout is the one that you can do consistently. 

  1. Balance Strength, Cardio, and Flexibility Training

Wannabe fitness “gurus” will try to tell you that the only way to lose weight is to do cardio, or that if you want to build muscle, you only ever need to strength train. This is incorrect.

Yes, you can lose weight by only doing cardio, and you can build muscle by only doing strength training, but this isn’t the best choice.

By balancing cardio and strength training, you’ll build strength while losing fat, and you’ll be doing something good for your heart. Add in flexibility training, and you’ll improve your mobility (which will improve your cardio and strength workouts). 

  1. Track Your Progress

We mentioned before that you should set goals, but you can’t forget to track them. It might seem like you haven’t made any progress, even if you have, if you’re not consistently checking in. 

There are a few ways to track progress. First, the most obvious way is to see how much your workouts have improved. 

If you’re a runner, take note of either how long or how far you can run (or both). Maybe you’ve gone from a 14-minute mile to a 10-minute mile. That’s serious progress!

If you lift weights, you should already be doing progressive overload. This means that you either add more reps or more weight as you progress. It will be obvious that you’ve improved when you realize you can squat 150 lbs instead of 90 lbs!

If your goals are aesthetic, we recommend skipping the scale. Instead, take progress photos and check how your clothes are fitting. 

  1. Don’t Skip Rest Days

When you start a workout routine, you’re excited to make as much progress as fast as possible! Don’t let this excitement get in the way of rest.

When you rest, you’re giving your body time to repair muscle tears and rebuild them even stronger. You’re also not allowing soreness to fade. While you can work out while you’re sore, you need to take it easy.

Rest days don’t have to be sedentary. You can do yoga, go for a walk, or do a fun activity, like roller skating.

You should aim for at least two rest days per week, perhaps more if you’re a complete beginner. Your body will tell you when you need a break. 

Follow These Tips for Working Out 

It’s time to get active and healthy! Use these tips for working out to get you started on your exercise journey. Whether you’re running, dancing, lifting weights, or any other type of exercise, you’re on the path to better health.

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The post 7 Effective Tips for Working Out Regularly appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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