What is a “D*ck Move” in BJJ?

What constitutes a “d*ck move” in BJJ? Where is the dividing line between using a perfectly acceptable Brazilian Jiu-jitsu technique and doing something that makes you a jerk?

Before I dive into any more information. Let me say that if you are in question about whether or not you’re being a jerk in BJJ. . you’re probably being a jerk.

In the video I share, what I feel, are the 2 biggest determining factors.

Those 2 things being. . .

1. The origin of the technique within. What sort of place did this technique come from in you? What kind of emotions fueled it?

2. What is the intent or objective of this BJJ technique or move? What is the point and what are you trying to achieve?

There are some techniques that are inherently not cool to use. But for the most part. I believe if you are coming from a cool, collected place mentally when you’re rolling. You’ll be less likely to do something someone would consider a “dick” move.

From my own experience. I did d*ck moves all the time as a younger practitioner because I was afraid to lose, or because I would get frustrated.

And as I share in the video. You can take a BJJ technique or adjustment that is perfectly fine and change it into something negative just by the mental state in which it was executed.

I go into more detail, plus I talk about the absolute most important thing to consider when you’re rolling.

This is especially good for White Belts who are learning the ropes and trying to figure out what is ok and what’s not.

I hope the video helps!

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