The BJJ Ride Doesn’t Last Forever – Nick Albin

During a recent BJJ related podcast. I was talking to one of my students about the fact that the journey doesn’t last forever. That BJJ training comes to a halt someday. I mean it has to because our time on this rock isn’t forever.

But even the way we train isn’t permanent. You may be young and strong. But eventually, father time, wear and tear, illness or disease. Something is going to get ahold of you and alter the very way your able to train.

And you’ll want to be able to go back to the way things used to be.

Even if you’re still training BJJ hard and everything is fine. The group inside your gym will change, or you may have to move away. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is rewarding as it is partly because of the amazing relationships we develop with people. And the people you’re able to interact with will change.

This video wasn’t a normal Brazilian Jiu-jitsu question and was more about sharing a thought.

That thought is appreciate the moments you have on the mats with the men and women you’re around. Because they aren’t forever. Nothing is permanent about what we are doing.

So be grateful you’re able to train because you’re lucky. And cherish the moments you have because the BJJ ride doesn’t last forever.

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