Stop Using This Overused Excuse in BJJ (Bigger Girl BJJ Problem) – Nick Albin

Strength is often a physical attribute that gets a bad rap in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.

BJJ is all about technique and many people cry foul when someone uses a little bit of power or strength to make things happen.

One of our friends recently sent in a question regarding this issue. She is a BJJ White Belt who started training Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Judo and loves it. She is a strong woman with a background in olympic weightlifting. So she’s strong.

Many of the people she rolls with get upset saying that she is just using strength and not properly using technique. And she is worried that she is not being a good partner in her Brazilian Jiujitsu training.

In this video I touch on this subject and get a little hyper as this is a subject close to home for me. Haha.

But the jest is, if you’re a bigger stronger person practicing BJJ. As long as you’re attempting to use technique. It’s ok to use your strength. It’s a physical attribute that you possess.

A person who is flexible, or fast or has great endurance won’t refrain from using their gifts. And likewise you shouldn’t either.

Thanks for watching!

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