Andy Costello is the head coach of Project Mayhem MMA and BJJ. In this video, one of his Brazilian Jujitsu White bel students, Ross, challenges Andrew, an extremely good Purple Belt, to make him tap as much as possible in 5 minutes.
To make things interesting, Ross offers to pay £10 per tap and donate it to the club. Head coach Andy is unsurprisingly keen to make this happen!
Ross is brand new and has been doing Brazilian Jujitsu for only 3 months. Andrew is a 3 tab Purple belt who achieved his Purple in just 3 years. He’s known in the area as a very skilled and talented Jujitsu player. Ross is a bodybuilder, a strong and powerful guy and tough as old boots.
How much does skill and knowledge really come into BJJ? Can size and strength be enough to survive? Have you ever heard a Gorilla being butt humped? Check out the video.