Funk Roberts is 49 years old and in this over 40 workout for men, he will show you 5 exercises to help you gain muscle and burn fat in your 40s, 50s, 60′s and 70′s!
Total Body Over 40 Density Workout
Perform each exercise for 8 reps one after the other with no rest in between. Once complete, rest only 1 minute and repeat for 5 rounds. (use weight that you usually perform 8-10 reps)
Dumbbell Chest Press – 8 reps 2:32
Dumbbell Bent Over Row – 8 reps 2:56
Dumbbell Cleans – 8 reps 3:21
Dumbbell Racked Squats – 8 reps 3:49
Dumbbell Standing Shoulder Press – 8 reps 4:18