How to roll – some guidance on best practice for all level students

BJJ is a combat sport and a fighting system. It is also a highly skill based system. This means you need to learn lots of things and practice them over a long period of time. The most efficient way to do this is to roll intelligently: have a goal in mind, roll with purpose and aim, be both proactive and reactive, but most important of all, roll without ego. Never ever crank on a technique that requires force and power to the extent that it hurts your partner. If you dominate easily, try reversing it around and practice in bad positions and try your escapes. If you are too timid and scared to try new things, open up, relax, turn the energy notch down, breeeeeeathe…see what happens. Rolling is as much a skill to develop over time as any other. Take the time to cultivate that skill.
This video, is a bit long, there is background noise but I want everyone to watch it and absorb the tips and advice – it applies to everyone. Your body will thank you for it, your partner will thank you for it. BJJ training must be viewed with the long game in mind, you will improve and you will become awesome – I guarantee it, if you roll intelligently.

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