How To Maintain Back Mount – Nick Albin

Do you ever get to Back Mount in BJJ but then end up losing it and having your opponent come up on top?

This is the question our buddy Armando asked in regards to his Brazilian Jiujitsu training and competitions.

He says that he has been able to get to the back just fine.

But. . .

Once he get’s there he loses it. The person is able to escape and what was going to be a great position ended up falling apart.

So in this video I show some tips on how I like to play Back Mount in Brazilian Jiujitsu.

My favorite style of Back Mount is a bit unorthodox.

I call it Half Back as the legs are a half in and half out.

I also, do not play lying back casually where the person can escape easily. Instead I come up to my elbow to press forward.

This creates a nice push forward on both the hips and the back making it very difficult to escape the position.

I also find that this Back Mount variation really makes my Rear Naked Chokes and other submissions more effective.

1 because the position is not typical.

And 2 because I’m able to hide my choking arm.

If you’re having a similar situation and you’re tired of losing back mount. Try the tips from this video out!


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