How NOT To Be An A#$hole When Rolling with Women in Bjj

If you’re a man, how do you roll with women in your BJJ gym? Comment below, I’m curious about this one!

Recently I’ve received a flood of messages from women who are training BJJ and have had several rough run ins with their male training partners.

Probably the worst situation that was sent to me involved a young woman who was training with a man who quietly whispered sexual words while she was caught in a rear naked choke.

The situation shook her up very badly and when she spoke to the instructor. The instructor kicked her out of the gym.

On the flip side to these questions from women.

A lot of guys have sent me messages asking how they should roll with women when practicing Brazilian Jiujitsu.

As I share in the video. There is a spectrum of male and females ranging from tough and gritty to soft and feminine. And there are exceptions.

But in most cases, my advice starts with simply taking it down a notch.

Men are biologically larger and stronger in most cases. And it’s important to keep that in mind when engaged in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.

Because women can benefit from training and can be empowered by the martial art.

And this is important because it can literally save them from terrible situations outside of the gym.

But this cannot happen if they cannot train in a safe environment where they can develop and grow.

Being comfortable with their training partners is a huge one because women very rarely reach the close quarters contact of Jiu-jitsu outside of physical intimacy.

So if you’re a guy and you roll with a woman in your gym.

Be cool. take it down a notch and help them reap the benefits of BJJ training.

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