Anxiety for BJJ White Belt Starting at a New Gym (After Layoff)

Did you have any anxiety when you started BJJ classes? Did you ever have to switch Brazilian Jiu-jitsu gyms and have your nervousness kick up?

This is the situation for one of the viewers. He’s trained BJJ before and after a somewhat long lay off he’s ready to get back into it. But he says the problem is he is worried about being too weak, holding people back and all sorts of unfounded fears.

To help shed light on the irrationality of these fears and anxiety. In this video I share some stories of my own anxiety. Including the anxiety I had about starting BJJ for the first time. I also share a story about how my general anxiety made me second guess going to a coffee shop to read a book.

Which, is a pretty ridiculous story.

But I shared this because we all have problems and demons that we have to overcome. And sometimes when you look back at them you realize how silly you were being. Even though at the time it seemed like such a big deal.

And in our friends case. He is so nervous about starting back in BJJ. Not because of any real fear, but just because of the fear of the unknown.

He wants to go back to BJJ but his mind is coming up with all sorts of reasons as to why he shouldn’t go back to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training.

So whether you’re starting at a BJJ gym for the first time or you are coming back after a long lay off like our friend. If you’re nervous, if you have a ton of anxiety related to BJJ training, or any sort of martial arts training for that matter.

Realize that your fears are not real fears. They are simply coming from the uncomfortableness of the unknown. As teachers and coaches, we are here to make you better. And for people that have already been training. In most cases, they are willing to help.

So I hope this video is helpful to any of you looking to get back into BJJ training.

Thanks for watching!

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