Guard Passing BJJ Solo Drill Combos and How They During a Roll – Nick Albin

One of my students and I worked on a few guard passing BJJ solo drills that you can do on a heavy bad after training the other night.

Ben isn’t able to train as much as he’d like to (which is all the time). So he makes up for his time away from the gym with different solo BJJ drills and movements.

After no gi BJJ training the other night we went over some different BJJ solo drill combos that he was using in his spare time.

You’ll see me explain the solo BJJ drills to him both on the heavy bag and then on his body.

I figure this would be a great video for you guys to see to show you how the guard passing BJJ movements on the heavy bag can apply to an actual person and their movements.

If you’re one of those people who trains Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and would like to train more or maybe would like a way to augment their training. Solo drills to develop movement can be a great idea.

They’re not as fun as rolling or training with a partner of course. But if you can do them, they can be amazing for helping build certain areas of your game and to develop muscle memory.

The BJJ solo drills we use on the heavy bag in this video are for passing and maintaining back and forth movement on top.

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